"Sustainable Development is a fundamental break that's going to reshuffle the entire deck. There are companies today that are going to dominate in the future simply because they understand that."
A guest lecture on "WWE Own:The water waste energy owners" was delivered by honorable guest "Dr.Salil K Sen" on 31st July 2019 for MBA 23 batch. He holds a PHD , MBA , B.E in mechanical and is a professor at NIDA business school. He actively conducts workshops on sustainability management school, based out of Geneva, Switzerland. He also runs the living lab which specifically works on sustainability development in an Eco system. Well versed lecture was delivered by him to the students explaining the three facts "what has been, what is it now and what it will be in the future" . Tons of examples were given related to ground water harvesting and concept of urbanization aligned with smart cities and green advertising. The session contained fun activity which involved each student present in hall and the lecture was finally concluded with awarding the winners of the sustainable development management program.
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